miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018


Algunos puntos que debéis tocar en vuestra carta para conseguir el interés de una empresa en la U.E.
·       Proyect FCT-ERASMUS XII 2018-1-ES01-K103-047078
·       Apply for a placement as Erasmus student in your company.
·       The internship period would be 90 days in the welcoming country, five days a week and a maximum of 7 hours per day.
·       The internship period would take place between March and June 2019.  We should be back before ending June.
·       Attending (Higher Technician in Tourism Management or Higher Technician in Culinary or Restaurant Management) and must pass a selection process.
·       Health and travel insurance included and according to the Erasmus Programme the company does not have to pay any salary for the internship period.
·       “I should be obliged if you would be interested in me as a student in the Erasmus Programme. As soon as you confirm your interest I will report it to the International Department of my School that will get in contact with you.
·       Attach your Europass CV in English
·       You should point out why you are interested in that particular company and what are you main qualities (language knowledge, attitude…)

Aquell@s alumn@s que hayan recibido una respuesta positiva por parte de la empresa destino deberá comunicarlo inmediatamente al departamento internacional al btvillafaina@gmail.com para que éste determine la conveniencia de la empresa y si es así, gestione la documentación necesaria.

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