domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018

Comienza la movilidad de Loreto (6-12 mayo)

Hoy día lunes 7 de mayo comienzan las actividades correspondientes a la segunda movilidad del alumnado dentro del programa de Erasmus+ KA2 que lidera el CPIFP Hurtado de Mendoza. En esta ocasión, seis alumnos de grado medio acompañados por profesores de nuestro centro, así como representantes de la Federación Provincial de Empresas de Hostelería y Turismo de Granada, participan en esta movilidad en la ciudad italiana de Loreto. Nuestros socios del IIS Einstein Nebbia de Loreto han organizado una semana de actividades formativas y de aprendizaje, tanto para alumnos como para profesores (job-shadowing). 

Nuestros alumnos y profesores llegaron ayer a Italia tras un viaje sin incidencias.

A continuación se detalla el programa de actividades de esta movilidad:


SUNDAY 06/05

Swedish delegation
Transfer from railway station of Ancona to hotel (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)

Spanish delegation
Transfer from bus stop in Civitanova Marche to hotel (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
MONDAY 07/05

7:30am   – breakfast
8:15am   – transfer to IIS Einstein Nebbia (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
8:30am   – welcome meeting at IIS Einstein Nebbia and visit of the school
9:45am – introduction activity
10:15am – coffee break
11:00am – Italian class peer to peer
01:00pm – lunch at the hotel (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)

04:00pm – walk to the centre of Loreto and visit of town and the Basilica
05:00pm – meeting with the city mayor

8:00pm   - dinner at the hotel


7:30am   – breakfast
8:15am   – transfer to IIS Einstein Nebbia (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
8:30am   – job shadowing for teachers and professional training for students
10:45am – coffee break
11:30am – job shadowing for teachers and professional training for students
lunch at school (prepared and served by the students) (offered by Einstein Nebbia)

3:00pm – visit of “Life” hotel in Porto Recanati (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
4:45pm – visit to the pasta company “Perna” in Loreto, Villa Musone (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
At the end of the visit, transfer to Grotte Center (Shopping Mall) (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
Free dinner at Grotte Center
9:00pm – transfer to the hotel (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)

7:30am   – breakfast
8:15am   – transfer to IIS Einstein Nebbia (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
8:30am   – students present their DRAFT PROJECT and survey results (1st part)
10:45am – coffee break
11:45am – students present their DRAFT PROJECT and survey results (2nd part)
1:00pm   – lunch at the hotel (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)

Free time
5:00pm – transfer to the company “I tre filari” in Recanati and visit of the wine cellar; wine tasting  (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
8:00pm – dinner at the hotel


7:30am   – breakfast
8:30am   – transfer to Ancona and sightseeing tour of the town
12:30am   – visit of “Museo Omero” (tactile museum
1:45pm – packed lunch

3:30pm – visit of “Fortino” hotel in Portonovo and sightseeing tour of places on the coast
8:00pm – dinner at the hotel

FRIDAY 11/05

7:30am   – breakfast
8:15am   – transfer to “Zi Nene” hotel&restaurant (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)
8:30am   – cooking and service activities with students with special needs
11:00am – coffee break
1:00pm   – lunch at Zi Nene (prepared and served by the students)
2:30am – conference by Giulia from the “Unione Ciechi” (Union of blind people)
3:30pm – transfer to the hotel (Einstein Nebbia’s school minivans)

Free time
8:30pm – farewell party at school (offered by Einstein Nebbia)




El proyecto "Sharing innovative teaching methodologies: improving employability rates” está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del CPIFP Hurtado de Mendoza y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

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